Qingdao Free Trade Zone · Sino-German Ecopark Roundtable with Enterprises from German-speaking Countries was successfully held
2024-04-24Qingdao Sino-German Ecopark

On March 14th, Qingdao Free Trade Zone · Sino-German Ecopark held a roundtable with enterprises from German-speaking countries. Representatives of 11 German-speaking enterprises from the Qingdao Free Trade Zone gathered in Sino-German Ecopark to exchange experiences and discuss business development strategies.

Head of related departments introduced the latest investment policies and the cooperation of Free Trade Zone Qingdao Area and Germany. Company representatives communicated with department heads of the Management Committee on specific issues concerning  the development of enterprises from German-speaking countries, such as business policies, raw material and component supply chains, Ecopark planning and supporting facilities constructions and industrial development planning.

After responding to the demands and issues raised by enterprises one by one, director of the Management Committee, GAO Shanwu stated that since its establishment, Qingdao Free Trade Zone · Sino-German Ecopark has constantly adhered to strengthening exchanges and cooperation between China and Germany as a key working oriental. In the next section, FTZ will highlight its unique advantages in the fields of ports, trade, finance, etc., and introduce more policies and methods that are beneficial to the development of foreign-funded enterprises, providing them with support in various aspects such as talent and technology. It is hoped that German-speaking enterprises in FTZ will always achieve high-quality development, meanwhile more excellent German enterprises and supporting enterprises in terms of supply chain will be attracted to develop in the area. Qingdao Free Trade Zone · Sino-German Ecopark will continue to provide accurate services for enterprises, as well as cooperate and develop together with the latter.

In recent years, supporting rules and service measures for enterprises have been continuously improved and refined in Qingdao Free Trade Zone · Sino-German Ecopark. So far, 37 German-speaking enterprises have settled here, covering multiple industries such as automobile accessories, high-end manufacturing, agricultural machinery, service trade and etc. By organizing various activities such as Reunion Day of German Enterprises, Open Day of German Companies and Qingdao German Enterprises Spring Gathering. The government aimed to build a platform for the communication and interaction with German-speaking enterprises, hoping to bring the government and enterprises closer together. David Hümmerich, General Manager of the Logomat (Qingdao) Automation System Co., Ltd., pointed the roundtable with enterprises from German-speaking countries to be a good opportunity to promote the communication between the government and enterprises. And he expressed the wish to make more contributions to local development through exchanges and sharing.

List of the Enterprises participating in the Roundtable:

Elringklinger Engineered Plastics (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.

Veyance Qingdao Engineered Elastomers Co., Ltd.

Irmler Piano Ltd.

BWT Haier Water Technology Co., Ltd.

German Enterprise Centre Qingdao

Logomat (Qingdao) Automation System Co., Ltd.

Qingdao Sophienhammer Hardware Co., Ltd.

Diehl Controls (Qingdao) Co., Ltd.

Siemens Innovation Center Qingdao

Qingdao Sisa Abrasives Co., Ltd.

Dragotec (Qingdao) Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd.

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